Redevelopment: 022-26051514

Ideal Green Home

Eco friendly Luxury Living

Checklist for an Ideal Green Home:

  • Builder: Ensure you buy a property or apartment from builder or developer who has his expertise in building green homes and has a valid certification for the same i.e LEED and IGBC certified
  • Green Building Materials: The materials used vary from one region to another, However, you must observe whether these materials are easy to obtain within the vicinity or does one need .
  • Insulation: being heated by the sun during morning and evening hours.
  • Windows and Doors: Natural cooling and heating: Ensure that the builder has taken into consideration the advantage of winds for natural cooling in summer and heating in winter. Properly positioned windows will prevent your home being heated by the sun during morning and evening hours.
  • Energy Efficiency: Use appliances that decrease the use of electricity by using solar lights and other substitute sources. Ensure appliances used have energy star ratings
  • Renewable Energy: Using solar energy is a very important part of all green projects. Solar heaters, lights and cookers are essential parts of the construction plan
  • Waste management and saving water: Builder should use green principles such as water harvesting and waste management in their projects.
1. Unplug seldom used appliances. 2. Use a microwave whenever you can instead of conventional oven or stove. 3. Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot. 4. Reverse your indoor ceiling fans for summer or winter operations as recommended. 5. Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use. 6. Purchase appliances and office equipment with the energy star label; old refrigerators use up to 50% more electricity than newer models. 7. Only use electric appliances when you need them. 8. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs / LED Lights to save money and energy. 9. Keep your thermostat higher in summer and lower in winter when you are away from home. 10. Insulate your home as best as you can. 11. Install weather stripping around all doors and windows. 12. Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work. 13. Plant trees to shade your home. 14. Shade outside air-conditioning units by trees or other means. 15. Replace old windows with energy efficient ones. 16. Use cold water instead of warm or hot water whenever possible. 17. Connect your outdoor lights to a timer. 18. Buy green electricity – electricity produced by low – or zero-pollution facilities. 19. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs / LED Lights to save money and energy. 20. Eliminate mercury from your home by purchasing items without mercury and dispose off items containing mercury at an appropriate drop off facility when necessary ( e.g., old thermometers)